Industrial Engineering

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IE-513 (2010-2011-Spring): Linear Programming
By: Prof. Barbaros Tansel

Theory, algorithms, and computational aspects of linear programming. Formulation of problems as linear programs. Development of simplex algorithm, geometry of simplex method, duality theory, and economic interpretations. Sensitivity analysis. Variants of simplex method..
Credits:3 ECTS: 7.5
Prerequisites: IE-501, IE-511

IE-513 (2008-2009-Spring): Linear Programming
By: Prof. Dr. Barbaros Tansel

Theory, algorithms, and computational aspects of linear programming. Formulation of problems as linear programs. Development of simplex algorithm, geometry of simplex method, duality theory, and economic interpretations. Sensitivity analysis. Variants of simplex method..
Credits:3 ECTS: 7.5
Prerequisites: IE-501, IE-511

IE-571 (2008-2009-Spring): Analytical Models for Supply Chain
By: Prof. Dr. Nesim Erkip

Theoretical and practical issues in the design and management of the supply chain. Logistic network configuration, risk pooling and multi-echelon inventory systems, value of information and bullwhip effect in supply chains, coordination of the supply chain using contracts, distribution strategies and strategic alliances for the supply chain and product design for supply chain efficiency.
Credits:3 ECTS: 7.5
Text books: .

IE-577 (2008-2009-Spring): Facility Location on Networks
By: Prof. Dr. Barbaros Tansel

Applications, modeling, theory and algorithms for optimal location of service facilities on distribution, transportation and communication networks. The course progresses from simple models to complex models. Well known median and center problems as well as other models will be covered. The course ends with a discussion of areas open to research.
Credits:3 ECTS: 7.5
Text books: Selected set of published papers and self taken in-class notes.